Sunday Jazz at The Junktion Hotel: it gets like that, from time to time
Updated: Sep 30, 2021
Someone once observed that, even though all the jam sessions were essentially the same, how did I manage to write something different each week… the ensuing writers block eventually wore off.
The more I thought about it, the more I realised that every jam session has its own special character… and there have been some very special characters over the course of the 480 or so reviews that have, miraculously, hopefully avoided the dreaded cliche.
Last Sunday’s jam was a classic of its type – no great musicianship perhaps (competence, as ever, well concealed as a kindness to others) but as enjoyable an afternoon as we have had in quite a while. After the usual stumbling instrumentals, we got Debbie up to sing – she lit up the room as only Debbie can, in front of a crowd that included a good smattering of locals, some new musicians and the regulars in fine form.
The Captain set the mood with a coupla ballads, Sala the mystery drummer returned and played effortless latin rhythms, Fermin has been practising hard, and excelled himself with a fine rendition of his “go to” tune – Corcovado. Jeff reprised Out of Nowhere and Dave the Bass played with increasing confidence.
As the evening drew to a close, what made this session so enjoyable was the balance between ballads and charge-ahead bebop numbers – Straight No Chaser the pick of them.
Variety is the spice of life, 481 identical reviews notwithstanding . It gets like that, from time to time….
See ya Sunday? TW
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