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A gentle end to a difficult year: the jammers thrived at the Bowlo, played away at the Wine Centre, fretted through the last of the lockdowns, produced some memorable music, and balanced it out with the more traditional raucous massacre of innocent standards.

Jammers: We started the year with around 16 jammers per session, finished it with numbers settled at around 20 - 25 each week. The most jammers in a single week was 32. Well over 70 musicians made an appearance during the year, but if you think that is a lot, consider that 170 musicians played in 2016. We had one session with no female singers, another with six saxophonists, and another with 5 guitarists.

A Committee: Jane, Pete Macevski, Debbie, Anthony, Michael (Currie), Susie V, Mike Powell joined the Good Captain and Ted on the committee for the next Jazz Festival. A couple came and went, bu everyone's contribution is appreciated.

Travellers: Peter (trumpet) wins the furthest distance travelled award - Mount Gambier. Runner up was Martin Clifton (drums) who now travels, repeatedly, from Castlemaine.

Helpers: Mike Powell wins the I-turned-up-early,-helped-put-everything-up,-and-stayed-late-to-pack- up award with honourable mentions to Clifton and Hirsch. In truth, the Good Captain does the bulk of the setting up and packing up, but the assistance really helps. Mike also runs close for most improved player of the year, but we won't award that one because he would get big headed.

Musos: The Award for Most times playing Gregory is Here and Estate goes to the Bounder. Rory and Ken cunningly alternate so they don't have to play it too often...Marion was the only recorder, Huich and Karin played violins, someone called Colin played bongoes. Most popular song of the year was Moondance, with Route 66 a close second, and Four in third place.

Events: After the 2nd Newport Jazz Festival, the biggest event of the year was the Jack Morris Memorial, with the day largely given over to the big bands, all of whom did Jack's memory proud. Big band music takes up a lot of a lot of people's time, and doesn't often offer an opportunity as good as this. Mike Powell, Laurie Savage, Jeff Harris, the Good Captain and Keith are amongst the regular jammers who play in big bands.

Audience: yes, some people really do turn up to listen: Bette, Rod and POCKOTL among them, and Jeff's mum has to be a favourite. I think the chance of a catch up and a bit of a gossip helps. As the year wore on, more and more Bowls Club members have stopped by to listen - we do get a bit of positive feedback! "I can't stand jazz, but this is alright. When do you finish?" being a fairly typical comment.

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